Minecraft Videos

Ho ho ho. It isn’t Santa but I just felt like saying that. lulz. Totday I uploaded my very first Minecraft video on youtube, pretty aewsmose eh? (Rnaodm spleenig fwt!) Also, I made an epic diamond mine, with I will now talk about. (Captain Obvious FTW!) Ok so, as I told you, I made a super duper, awesome, really cool, epic diamond mine in Minecraft, now you ask “What the fuzz is a diamond mine?” well, it’s a type of branch mining, excep.. “What is branch mining?!” Well, brach mining is where you make a long tunnel, and at the end of the tunnel you branch to each side, then tunnel back, and repeat, making lots of branches, instead of emptying a large area witch take much more time and is a stupid idea. Now, a diamond mine is just like a brach mine, except it as done at the bottom of the map (Aka the bottom of the Minecraft world) because you can only find diamond at the lower layers of the map (Level 16 and down, aka the bottom of the map is 1 and so on). Now for some screenies:

My mining chest

An hour or two later, restocked and reorganized

And thats all for now, see ya later!

About Gamer36

I'm a beginner programer. I play EE (Everybody Edits)
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